Grant program for young scholar. Current call

The 2024 ADRES grant programme to help PhD students and post-doctoral students to take part in the major conferences in economics is now open. Two calls are planned for 2024.

Opening dates

  • First call from March 18th to April 1st, 2024, decision communicated after April 8th, 2024
  • Second call from May 1st to May 5th, 2024, decision communicated after May 7th, 2024.

Conferences concerned by the call

Applications will be considered if candidates intend to participate in major international economics conferences. 

  • Funding for participation in EEA-ESEM conferences is given priority.
  • Funding for participation in general economics conferences, and top field conferences;
  • Conferences in Europe with access by train are favored. Subsidiarily other cases could be considered if the budget allows. Should the number of eligible applications exceeds our budget, the committee will consider to balance the grant distribution among the various research centers.

Eligibility criteria

  • Be a post-doctoral or doctoral student in economics, officially affiliated during 2023-2024 to a laboratory of a French university/institution, and/or member of ADRES.
  • Be selected to present his/her work at a major conference.
  • The grant can be as much as 400 euros per candidate.
  • ADRES will only support one conference per applicant in any given year.

How to apply

  • Complete the online questionnaire on limesurvey (9 short questions)
  • Provide a letter of acceptance to the conference


The selection committee will meet on 4 April and 6 May, 2024; decisions will be announced on 8 April and 7 May 2024 respectively.
If accepted, the grant will be paid to the applicant’s affiliated laboratory, directly through the laboratory manager. The transfer will be made as a reimbursement after the conference, on presentation of proof of payment of the conference registration and/or participation fees equal or exceeding 400 euros. ADRES may organise funding differently for applicants from laboratories that are not CNRS UMRs or encountering difficulties.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us: adres_dir chez