Pierre-André Chiappori (Columbia University, NY) kindly accepted to chair the award committee for the 2022 prize. He gathered a jury composed of Alberto Bennardo (University of Salerno), Arnold Chassagnon (Paris School of Economics) and Pierre-André Chiappori. The jury had two articles to review.
We are very grateful to all of them for their time and effective decision making.
This year, the ADRES prize has been awarded to Pablo Garcia (Banque Centrale du Luxembourg), who wrote the paper :
“Learning, Uncertainty and Monetary Policy” Annals of Economics and Statistics no. 145 (March 2022), pp. 5-28.
The prize was announced on January 28th at the 2023 ADRES Doctoral Conference, which was organized by the University Paris Dauphine PSL.
Congratulations to him. The prize was announced on January 28th at the 2023 ADRES Doctoral Conference, which was organized by the University Paris Dauphine PSL.