ADRES is an INSHS (CNRS) Research Group, which aims to stimulate and disseminate research in the fields of theoretical economics, applied economics, econometrics and statistics. In particular, ADRES aims to promote the integration of young researchers in these fields into the job market, both nationally and internationally.
Since its creation, ADRES has played a central role in the French scientific community as a vector of communication and dissemination of knowledge, and as a catalyst for research. ADRES aims to provide the French research community in theoretical and quantitative economics with an institutional, administrative and financial framework tailored to the challenges it faces in a research international and competitive environment.
Activities of ADRES notably include:
- The publication of the journal Annals of Economics and Statistics ;
- The ADRES prize ;
- The participation to regular international economics seminars: Séminaire Roy ;
- The support of young scholars by organizing a yearly French job market conference in economics: The ADRES conference ;
- The support of young scholars by a grant program for them to participate to the biggest international and european economics conferences: The Grant program.
Members of ADRES are research centers in economics.
The partners of ADRES are the following institutions:
- The Centre national de la recherche scientifique – CNRS ;
- The Groupe des Écoles Nationales d’Économie et de Statistique – GENES ;
- The Banque de France pour la recherche en économie monétaire, financière et bancaire – BdF ;
- The Institut Caisse des dépôts et consignations pour la recherche – ICDC ;
- The Direction générale du Trésor – DGT.
The decision and operating bodies of ADRES are:
- The Orientation commitee ;
- The Scientific committee ;
- The ADRES board.